Inquiry Simulator

So, you thought that hiring a tutor would make things easier. Apparently, not in this case. It did help to have someone walking through the research and writing of the paper with you, but at the end of the day, you did everything. You begrudgingly admit that it was actually a somewhat enjoyable experience and to have someone next to you to talk things through with not only helped get you organized, but actually helped to make the topic come to life a little bit more. You can take some of the things that you learned from your tutor about organizing your research into your next research paper!

What we learn from this scenario is that often, students need a little more structure than we think they do. Too often do we assign a research paper, give them time in class and in the library to get it done, but don't get involved in the actual process. We often assume that the students know how to research and how to write. Someone else must have taught them that before they got to me. The reality is that scaffolding and individual attention is crucial throughout the research process. It is a careful balance between giving the students the time to work and supporting them in times of need. There are a number of crunch points where students can become overwhelmed, confused or discouraged. Carefully timed intereventions can help to get students through these tough times.

That was fun! Let's go back to the beginning.