Inquiry Simulator

You realize that you have two options. You could continue to panic and probably avoid getting any actual work done. You've been here before and found yourself doing really crappy work the night before it the assignment is due. Or you can reach out for help. Your teacher, your classmates, or maybe others might be able to get you push started.

Many of our students get so used to doing what they are told that when faced with options, they panic. They may actually be excited for the opportunity to do something other than a heavily prescribed essay or similar end-product, but without any experience or structure built in to the decision making process, the decision itself can be overwhelming.

I head straight for the teacher when I see him in the halls the next day. He reassures me that I am not alone in this dilemma and that the whole class will deal with this as a group next time we meet. I am so relieved!
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I text a buddy in my class and we work through things. He's as stumped as I am, but we have some ideas that might work. We agree to work on this together, even though we are handing in separate assignments.
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