OMG! Could life get any better? You LOVE this topic and you know exacty what you are going to make to present your research. It doesn't take you long to think through the various options that you have for the focus of your research. Your biggest issue will be to make sure that it is something that engages your audience. You've been into this topic for a few years and have done a ton of reading. You'll want to make sure that your classmates, and maybe even the teacher, actually get it! You throw together a proposal before the next class. You have your research question and you already have a bunch of books and bookmarked websites that you like that you know will be great for this research. You've sketched out a preliminary plan for your end project. Hand this to your teacher who reminds you that you have more time to get this together and don't need to submit it so quickly. You tell him that you are ready and would like him to look at it. He does, is impressed and tells you to carry on.
You spend some time digging deeper on the particular angle of your research. You read a couple more books, watch a movie or two and find some current academic research. Your notes are extensive and you have a pretty good outline of what you want to communicate before you turn your attention to making.
This is why your teach your subject, right? Here's a student who is completely engaged with the topic and you may just find yourself learning from him! While it is possible that he may go off topic or go in a direction that doesn't really fit the curriculum, his background already puts him so far ahead of his classmates and he understands the big picture enough to have a feel for where we need to head. The question will be if he is able to communicate his findings with the class in a meaningful way.