OK, this makes things pretty simple. We know what we are making, we just need to make sure that we get the right topic. Something that we already know about would be ideal, we wouldn't need to do much research and we can bang out a great looking webpage or set of webpages.
This is a description of the situation the learner currently finds himself in.
Ugh... We got last choice on the topic. I don't even know what this means. Hopefully we can find enough stuff in a quick web search to cobble something together.Click here if this is you.
I'm not going to say this too loudly, but this topic is kinda cool. I mean, I don't know a lot about it, but what I do know, I think I could really sink my teeth into.Click here if this is you.
I've always enjoyed doing basic web design. Maybe I can do something really cool with this. I don't know a lot about the topic, but I can figure that out. Maybe I can even offer to help take on some of the design of the whole site.Click here if this is you.