Inquiry Simulator

Wow! That kinda blew the doors open. Not only do I have control of the topic that I research, I also have complete control of how I tell my story at the end of it. How do I pick my topic? What should I make? Should I pick the project first and make the topic fit the project or choose the topic first? What approach is going to get me the best marks? What is going to be easiest? How long is this all going to take?

This sceneario is gold for the kind of student who already has particular making skills of some kind and can find connection with the topic. Unfortunately, this is not likely to be most kids. If a student has neither the skills (or perceives himself to have no skills) nor the connection to the topic, this scenario can be overwhelming and truly debilitating.

This scenario can work with enough scaffolding. Experiences can be design for the entire class to develop surface knowledge of the topic and to explore enough to discover personal connections to the topic. These experience can work regardless of the final product being created as an expression of the inquiry. Scaffolding of the final product can be achieved by engaging the making students in discussions that allow them to explore their own skill sets. Examples can also be shown of previous projects as long as care as given to ensure that students don't simply copy another project.

Well, it's time to institute a tried and true strategy: PROCRASTINATE!
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OK, the choice of topic is good. I like this subject and finding something that resonates with me should be pretty easy. Problem is, I'm not an art student. In fact, I was told that my art work was pretty poor by an Elementary School teacher years ago and I've avoided anything creative ever since. Maybe I can find a way of writing an essay, but disguising at some "project."
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OK! I've got some big ideas here. I have a hobby that will tie into this really well. I can completely see how this project is going to play out. It's going to be EPIC! Oh yeah... what's the topic?
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Alrighty. We have the dream project here. I know this topic and know exactly what direction I need to go and I have some killer making skills that I can use to make something that will tell my story and blow my class away. This is going to be amazing!
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